
Tegha Kennel in IBN7 Live News TV Channel | Our therapy service dog is trained to provide affection and comfort to people in hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, disaster areas, schools, hospices, old age homes

See in the jaws of the dog she is tormented innocent

By Tegha Kennel in Media No Comments

Tegha kennel in IBN7 News Channel cgf

08:37 AM IST Dec 30, 2014  Mkrba area of ​​Ahmedabad in a society of a 10-year-old is the example of courage. Sister of his half of the draw on 10 years of Kanchi saved a dog. Tegha kennel Director Harshdeep singh  told about How to Handle a Dog Attack !

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  • Warding Off an Attack
  • Defending and Protecting Yourself
  • Handling the Aftermath
  • Taking Precautions Against Attacks

Especially for joggers and runners, there is a danger of being completely blindsided, so that a dog attack is happening before you can even have a chance to try to avoid it. If you have enough time, the first line of defense is to let the dog attack something on you that isn’t you — for example, if you’re wearing a sweater, get your arm out of a sleeve and get that sleeve in the dog’s face. If the dog takes the bait, let it pull the sweater off, then slowly back out of the area. To the dog, it has just gotten hold of a piece of you, and this may distract it long enough for you to get to safety.

It’s probably good practice to always have something on you that you can use in this manner, whether it’s a sweatshirt tied loosely around your waist, a stick, or even a stuffed dog toy. If you can pull it off quickly enough, you can also use one of your shoes for this maneuver.

In all cases, remember to protect your face, chest, and throat. Also keep your hands in fists to protect your fingers. If you must be bitten, the safest place for it to happen is the shin or forearm; a dog bite to the thigh can cause fatal bleeding.

If you are bitten, resist the natural urge to try to pull away. This will just make the injury worse through tearing your flesh. Oddly enough, if the attack escalates to this point, then you actually want the dog to latch on. Why? The dog only has one mouth, but you have two hands. If you can manage it at this point, grab its back legs and lift them off the ground.